Jotac Member


  • Removing mine was the best decision I made. I wish I had done it sooner. Yeah, you can somewhat controll symptoms with food choices but sometimes those stones just move and you have an attack. I worked and went to school an hour from home and I got to the point where I didn't eat at all away from home ( and as putting in…
  • I am 5'3" but my legs reach the ground so I am tall enough.
  • Sourdough bread. Specifically Pyraneese Sourdough Bread. It is a local company and can eat if by the loaf for dinner. I don't buy it any more. I still eat carbs but that one is too tempting for moderation.
  • Friday, March 30th: 323 Friday, April 6th: Friday, April 13th: Friday, April 20th: Friday, April 27th: