lizmarkham Member


  • Count Me In!!! After losing 65 lbs and 118 in 5 years ago. I'm getting back to it after a serious sports injury and gaining some weight back. You're not alone!
  • It's hard to get started at a gym, not knowing what to do, not wanting to look silly or compare yourself to other women. I walked into a gym close to work so I could get a quick run in during lunch. Turns out I was the only female member... Intimidating? A little at first. But then I learned everyone's workout schedule and…
  • What are you doing for exercise? Diet alone just isn't enough to cut those lbs. Also, as with workouts and hitting plateaus, our nutritional needs change through out our journeys. I strongly suggest looking at the amount of protein, fat, and sugar your taking in each day. Don't be scared to mix things up. When I hit my…