

  • woah wtf i dont know why theres four of what i wrote, theres supposed to be one! lol :S oops
  • green tea works. have some before you workout but stay away form sugar in it. black tea does too but not as well. theres some chemical in tea that helps with this, i read about it but cant remember what it's called. however, you need A LOT for it to make any difference at all.. so you have to drink it very regularly. its…
  • green tea works. have some before you workout but stay away form sugar in it. black tea does too but not as well. theres some chemical in tea that helps with this, i read about it but cant remember what it's called. however, you need A LOT for it to make any difference at all.. so you have to drink it very regularly. its…
  • green tea works. have some before you workout but stay away form sugar in it. black tea does too but not as well. theres some chemical in tea that helps with this, i read about it but cant remember what it's called. however, you need A LOT for it to make any difference at all.. so you have to drink it very regularly. its…
  • green tea works. have some before you workout but stay away form sugar in it. black tea does too but not as well. theres some chemical in tea that helps with this, i read about it but cant remember what it's called. however, you need A LOT for it to make any difference at all.. so you have to drink it very regularly. its…
  • green tea works. have some before you workout but stay away form sugar in it. black tea does too but not as well. theres some chemical in tea that helps with this, i read about it but cant remember what it's called. however, you need A LOT for it to make any difference at all.. so you have to drink it very regularly. its…
  • karlia, why is it bad to go over a certian amount of fiber a day?
  • im not really a fitness expert, but i know that when you loose fat, your body takes form its fat stores EVERYWHERE. its like a percentage taken away that averages out, and i dont think you can tell it where to take it form, no matter what you do, like you said. so even if you are burining more fat from doing an ab workout…
  • i reccomend noxema products; i use the original or exfoliating one. then make sure you moisturize with a light product like nivia soft. my friend uses noutrogena and it also works really well for her. eating good oils and fats like olive oil or flaxseed oil are also good for your hair and skin. the best advice: simple is…
    in Your Skin Comment by cc_003 March 2009