ladouleurexquise Member


  • I'm in! having a weight loss buddy really worked for me in the past (lost 30 lbs in about 6 months with the help of some amazing gals on sparkpeople) but somehow I have gained 10 lbs over the last 2 months! (recently married) and I was already over my goal weight so I also have about 25 lbs to lose. I'm also looking to eat…
  • not sure how accurate it is, but if you go to cardio and enter "strength training" it allows u to enter calories burned. for me, it has me burning 33 calories per 10 minutes. hope that helps!
  • as far as toppings i bet salsa would be really good! i like the hummus suggestion too. so filling! the side of my bag suggests a mini pizza with tomato sauce and a sprinkling of lowfat cheese.
  • i really like the white cheddar variety, they're delish. also i noticed they have chocolate but i've never tried them.. i like the chocolate quakes though! they're mini rice cakes drizzled in chocolate. yum!