

  • Sympathies to you! I'm in the same boat, although I have been trying to net at least my BMR of 1440 - are you making sure you are eating net calories when you say you are eating 1400? With all the exercise you are doing, your body certainly needs fuel. I'm trying to not get hung up on that number on the scales - the way…
  • Unfortunately, lots of women of menstruating age tend to be low in iron - not only vegetarians. Women need 18mg of iron a day - that can be difficult to get even with meat eating. You guys are more fortunate (in this respect) as you only need around 12mg. I always try to look for iron fortified cereals/protein shakes and…
  • Want to read later
  • Hi Jess, Like you, I'm from Adelaide, and into fitness and healthy living. Drop me a line/ friend me if you wish. Have been on MFP since Feb, and finding it really useful. Good luck with your journey! Cheers, Greta
  • How about some baked beans on toast? Greek yoghurt (or soy sub) with some berries Another egg (go the whole egg this time) on toast, peanut butter on another piece. And then a glass of wine...! :wink:
  • I forgot one ( I dont eat because I'm a vego). Special only to Australians: kangaroo - one of the best meats to eat!
  • low fat cottage cheese; low / no fat greek yoghurt skinny milk. Poached chicken breast (no skin obviously).
  • Check out the information with pins on it in the top of this topic (General Diet and Weight Loss Help) message board - information for "newbies" - hopefully you will gain some knowledge about how to work with your body's nutritional needs. You are definitely not eating enough calories!!! It is easy to be fooled into…
  • Happy Adelaide-ian! :smile:
  • I eat a banana now straight after getting up - I train before breakfast. I found I wasn't performing the best I could without anything, so I make sure I eat something light with a bit of quickly used energy. I would prefer to have a good run/ weight session and really burn through calories, then feeling like I cant run…
  • Hi fellow Vegos Similar to many posts, I too need to lose some weight - about 8 - 10 kilos. I've gained weight over the last two years through: a. eating too much b. eating too many processed foods (crackers, cheese etc) c. not moving enough. Fairly simple equation for gaining weight, especially as I am edging closer to…