npruitt99 Member


  • I'm in as well. Goal is to work out for an hour 5 times a week during this challenge and reach my daily step goal each day (8,000 steps)
  • I just started the plan. I need all the encouragement I can use! How has it being so far? Feel free to add me
  • Wow! I can't believe that it's already Sept just about! Craziness...Yes ma'm. I would like to continue this please
  • Wow! I aspire to be that active one day. You go girl! I felt drugged all day, I was groggy and exhausted. I need your energy!
  • Yeah, I think that's most def an excuse. Muscle can be lost, but I've never heard of it converting to flab shortly after lifting. Muscle is always there, it's that layer of fat over the top of it that tends to stand out and look like flab....but that's just my 2 cents!
  • I had to learn that in order to stay motivated, I had to workout for me and stop looking to others for approval. I do it because I want to be healthy and happy in my skin. Too many times I would "fall off the wagon" whenever people would say things like, "Girl, you don't need to lose weight!" or "Oh, take the day off, it…
  • Hello! My name is Natasha. I'm single, no kids anymore. I gained my weight while raising my nephew from 2 weeks old until 2 years old. Now I'm ready to get my old body back! I currently work usually 50 hours a week and attend college courses at night. Looking forward to these challenges to help keep me accountable and on…
  • I would love to do this! It may be just the motivation I'm looking for.