

  • Hi there, not that I am an expert but you want to consume a bit more when excersising. You need the extra fuel to keep your body burning. After excersicing I never eat as much calories as what I am aloted as yes I think that would totally defeat the purpose
  • Yes, most definitely!! The other people are not concerned about you, they are concentrating on what they are doing. Besides it will be fun!!! Go for it!! I am sure that you could get a guess pass to try it out and see how you like it.
  • Welcome!!! Good luck Monique!:smile: I love this site as well, I really love being able to find support from strangers, it is awesome!!
  • Hi Leah, Welcome!!! I started back this month as well!! Good luck on your goal. Collene
  • For me it has always been "What a pretty face!!" I have heard that so many times and honestly I have had enough. Congrats on your weight loss to date!! That is awesome!
  • Well honey, I think it is a constant issue for us all. You fall off of the wagon, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on!!! :smile: Keep trying, you can do this!!!