

  • Astartig, no worries. I pretty much decided to see a nutritionist when I read toads response. As I said earlier, I've had some help from one in the past but that was more for symptom management, I just pulled an airhead move and didn't think of the obvious. I don't really consider people on this website as randoms but I…
  • Toad, thank you. I hadn't even considered talking to a nutritionist for weight loss or general nutritional goals tuned specifically to you. I have talked to a nutritionist in relation to the gastroparesis it's helped so much more then any medicine ever did. Unfortunately it puts so many things as a no go or at least a use…
  • Oh wow, you're off to an awesome start! I "rejoined" MFP a couple days ago as well and was thrilled to see just how much weight I'd lost since the last time I logged in last year. It really does add to the experience when we can actually see the breakdown or chart of our eating and exercise habbits, the changes in them and…