I can't seem to eat enough.. Please help!

I'm a 25 year old female who's really struggling with meeting my daily calorie goals. At 5 foot 1, 189lb I should be eating 1200 calories a day but I normally come in 200+ under. Now this isn't because I don't like food or am trying to starve myself intentionally. I know that this doesn't work and that your body needs a certain amount of fuel to burn fat in the first place. I have gastroparesis and in my case this means that my stomach doesn't empty as quickly as a "normal" persons. I'm also on a few meds that decrease appetite as a side effect and those two things put together mean that my body doesn't cue the normal hunger signals that say "hey, you, eat now!" I know these are factors I can't change so I've got to find a way to work around them. Since cutting out all the empty calories and crap from my diet (soda, alcohol, fast food, etc) eating enough has gotten so much harder. I love fruits, vegetables and lean meats, heck I love food in general so in a way it's mind boggling that I'm having so much trouble. Has any body else run into a similar problem? Any suggestions to balanced higher calorie foods, meals etc would also be greatly appreciated.


  • toad493lbs
    toad493lbs Posts: 39 Member
    Have you talked with a nutritionist? Sometimes people just dont need as much as others to live a very healthy life.
    It sounds like you have a doctor so maybe they could point you to a good nutritionist.
    I use one and she is a great help for me. I have studied weight loss and food use for several years, as I am sure others on this site have, trying to loose weight and KEEP it off. She is really helping me. Good Luck.
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    Avocados, nuts, peanut butter, olive oil are a few higher fat/ calorie foods that could help. Good luck.:drinker:
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Coming in 200 cals under will have no effect on you whatsoever.

    What I would say is If you aint hungry don't eat the extra meals but do make sure your protein, good fats, vits/mins etc are looked after.
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    There are alot of delicious shakes out there that are meal replacements. Have you ever tried them ?
  • Lucy2pointOh
    Toad, thank you. I hadn't even considered talking to a nutritionist for weight loss or general nutritional goals tuned specifically to you. I have talked to a nutritionist in relation to the gastroparesis it's helped so much more then any medicine ever did. Unfortunately it puts so many things as a no go or at least a use in small amounts unless you want to pay for it.

    amyrebeccah and El_Cunado high fat dairy and high fat food, nuts, oils as well as most raw vegetables are all things I eat/drink only occasionally since they tend to make it even harder for my stomach to clear itself. Foods higher in fibers, fats, or foods that have a greater chance of not being thoroughly broken up while chewing are all things that can slow it down. Some people with gp can handle milk products but I can't even deal with skim so I switched to unsweetened almond milk.
    All foods require your stomach to work to break them down but in people with gp the stomach can't always keep up. It takes longer to process most foods and some of the foods that are healthier from a nutritional stand point are the hardest to digest. If it can't digest properly not only are you likely to lose nutrients but odds are you won't feel hungry and any attempt to force food can cause pain, nausea or vomiting.
    Imagine waking up at 6 am and eating breakfast. Now come 9-10 oclock you know that you really should eat something but you feel like you just finished eating 5 minutes ago. Not a comfortable feeling if you do actually force yourself to eat. I do still eat fruits and some whole grains since they dont seem to effect me as badly as others but even those really do have to be kept at moderation. I am so very thankful avocado that avocado doesn't mess with me. I love it to much to part with. Thanks for the input :-)

    Jax it's not the 200 under days that worry me as much as the days when I skirt by with 600 or 700, especially when you factor in exercise but as Toad pointed out some people may not need as much as others. Right now I'm doing pretty much that, only eating when I'm hungry. I'm just trying my best to stay as balanced as possible since the restrictions can cause some malnutrition if I'm not careful.

    JustineMarie I actually am a HUGE fan of meal replacement shakes. One big thing about gp is that liquids are almost always stomach friendly (with the exception of full dairy for me). Meal replacement along with vitamins are one way I try to make sure my body is getting what it really needs to function. I've got a couple of favorites but I'm not 100% sure if I'm okay to be dropping names. Don't wanna look like a pusher of product.

    Thanks everybody for the input! I really should have been a little more specific about the restrictions since it's harder to advise when you don't know what should avoided. Really appreciate the support.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    Have you talked with a nutritionist? Sometimes people just dont need as much as others to live a very healthy life.
    It sounds like you have a doctor so maybe they could point you to a good nutritionist.
    I use one and she is a great help for me. I have studied weight loss and food use for several years, as I am sure others on this site have, trying to loose weight and KEEP it off. She is really helping me. Good Luck.

    ^ this, with the medical issues you've stated you have you should ask a professional not randoms on the internet.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Have you tried juicing? It is a great way to get in your fruits and veggies if you find them hard to digest on their own. Carrot with apple and red bell pepper make great juice.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    kale, spinach, cucumber, apples, celery, lemon, ginger throw it in a blender and pulse, it will come out thick, too thin it out you can add some ice. this is a sure way to get 500-600 cals quick and all these are easily digestible

    ETA kale has 102 cals per 3cups
  • Lucy2pointOh
    Astartig, no worries. I pretty much decided to see a nutritionist when I read toads response. As I said earlier, I've had some help from one in the past but that was more for symptom management, I just pulled an airhead move and didn't think of the obvious. I don't really consider people on this website as randoms but I know they aren't medical professionals with access to my history either. I may not know anybody personally but I'm sure there are other people on this site that wanted to know about what they're putting in they're bodies and looked up the nutritional properties of a fruit or vegetable. There's a lot of things I wouldn't even have thought of because I get so used to what's "the usual" around my house. I love smoothies, just a bit chicken when it comes to new ingredients and oddly colored drinks. I just tried spinach and kale recently and was amazed how little of their taste came through. CP731 that sounds pretty good actually. I knew kale had some substance to it but I didn't realize it was quite that high. Wouldn't have thought of the ginger either and really anything run through the blender is easier to digest since the works already halfway done ;-) DancingMoosie this may be a duh question so I apologize ahead of time but does a juicer remove the pulp and or skin or are they more of a drop the whole fruit in kind of deal? I know little to nothing about them.
  • pocahontas_39
    pocahontas_39 Posts: 5 Member
    Can you or do you eat Yogurt? That could easily make up for the 200 calories you can't seem to eat...
  • phillinnz
    phillinnz Posts: 82 Member
    Coming in 200 cals under will have no effect on you whatsoever.

    What I would say is If you aint hungry don't eat the extra meals but do make sure your protein, good fats, vits/mins etc are looked after.

    I agree.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Depending on the type of juicer, it will come with instructions:) A Vitamix is also great.