

  • There are two types of sleep apnea: Central and Obstructive. In Central your nervous system is the problem, in Obstructive, structural problems in the neck and oropharynx cause the apnea. Obstructive problems can be weight related, and are relieved by losing weight. There are also mixed types and the amount of relief from…
  • 2 cups of light microwave popcorn= appx 50 calories, add a glass of water & you are no longer hungry.
  • My advice is to spend some money on good high-top shoes that will support your ankle and prevent injury. Wear an ankle brace if necessary. Start slow & easy but do what you enjoy and feels good!
  • Mom2: you have been ill, rashes are a generalized whole body illness of the largest organ you have.. Give yourself time to heal. and time for your body to recuperate. Prednisone helps many things but also stimulates the appetite. It may take a while to work all of it out of your system since you were taking high doses for…
  • I know you say your goal is to lose 99 pounds and that is fantastic...but it is so large a goal to get your head around that every little hiccup might seem like failure. Break your really big goal into smaller goals and a slight setback is not so disheartening. Make your sub-goal to lose 10 pounds in the next 6-8 weeks and…
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