nseelam Member


  • : D that's awesome! Feel free to add me, I'd love to chat about games : D plus anytime you need motivation drop a line!
  • wahoo! feel free to add me too : ) I'm a second year grad student so 'college' age basically (I'm about as old as a college senior!). I'd be happy for more friends in my age group!
  • Without knowing much about you or your workout regime, there could be a few reasons. 1) Beer Belly: 'gut flab' from excess alcohol might cause this. Even if you work off those calories, I know plenty of people who get a little pudge if they drink. 2) IBS/Some gastrointestinal issue that causes bloating. This is probably…
  • Sleep is soooo important! I'm not sure if you can have 'good fitness' without sleep, but I can say having good health without much sleep is unlikely. Due to work troubles, I ended up sleeping 4-5 hours a night for almost a year and it RUINED me physically. If you have sleep issues, you should definitely try to break out of…
  • Binging is really not healthy- but it also depends on what you mean by 'binge eating'. There is a difference between 'a few extra slices of pizza and beer on Friday night' and 'I'm eating a few slices of pizza EVERY TWO HOURS'. I don't know what your weight loss/maintenance/health goals are in general, but is your binging…
  • Yoyoing is hard, but once you get committed it'll happen! Feel free to add me if you'd like : ) I'm in a similar case
  • Hi! I feel you too, similar happened to me. I lost up to 65 lbs and kept it off for a solid 5-6 years. Unfortunately, I just started a hectic graduate program and in the past year, the weighing scale alarmed me... You're welcome to add me too!