

  • Not only is the wrist only type not as accurate, but you have to stop what you are doing & touch a button or the screen with your finger & wait for a reading. That would really annoy me, personally. I like the constant reading I get with the chest strap & I can check it without having to interrupt my workout. I really…
  • It has gotten me through two plateaus. Here is a really good article I found on the subject. Mainly, you have to confuse your body. It gets used to what you've been doing & it's no longer effective, so change things up to get your metabolism kick started again.
  • You should add in your exercise calories. 1200 calories should be your net after exercise. For example: if you burn 300 calories exercising, you should take in 1500 calories. Subtract the 300 you burned & your net calories will be 1200. Also keep in mind that it is not safe to go below 1200 calories a day, so you have…
  • Me too. I'm 47. Through my 20s & 30s I never had to even think about my weight, I could eat whatever I wanted without ever gaining an ounce. Back then I only weighed 98lbs & no more than 105 lbs. But after 40 that all changed. Now I just think about food & I seem to gain. I'm not accustomed to having to watch my calories…
  • I've tried working out first thing in the morning but it seriously makes me feel like I'm going to pass out. Have tried several times over the years & always the same results. So I work out in the evenings during the week, adding a walk on my lunchbreak at work if weather permitting & workout mid-day usually on the…
  • How funny this topic came up today, I was just wondering the same thing yesterday! Got a look at myself in a fitting room mirror at the mall & was completely grossed out! I've lost 7lbs so far & only have 10 more to go, have been working hard~cardio, weights, the whole deal & that sight was very disheartening! I, too, am…
  • I'm 5' 0" and currently weigh 137 lbs. My goal is 127 lbs which is the most I should weigh & be considered a normal weight/BMI. 125 lbs would be awesome, but I'm being realistic. I'm middle aged & losing weight & keeping it off is HARD. I do find the 1200 calorie limit very difficult. I have to exercise every day because…
  • Know this problem well! Going through right now actually. I usually feed it to some extent & then just up my exercise. I have found that Fiber One 90 calorie chocolate brownies are a lifesaver for the chocolate cravings! They taste like a real homemade brownie, are very satisfying & give you 20% of your daily fiber. Drink…