Okay Ladies!!!! PMS Hunger???



  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    This has plagued me too but I found.. on this site actually.. a GREAT recipe for spinach chips! Toss some spinach or Baby Spinach in a bit of olive oil. Season with spices of your choice, a shake of salt and some Indian spices are my favourite. Then bake on a cookie sheet for 10 - 18 min until dried out and crispy. They taste BETTER than chips and satisfy that salty crisp craving.
  • jennimben
    jennimben Posts: 66 Member
    Eat whatever you want, but pair it with a protein- force yourself! It will slow down the absorption of the sugars (I've been told). And keep some dark chocolate around. It's amazing how wonderful it tastes when you're wanting something sweet.
  • jennimben
    jennimben Posts: 66 Member
    This has plagued me too but I found.. on this site actually.. a GREAT recipe for spinach chips! Toss some spinach or Baby Spinach in a bit of olive oil. Season with spices of your choice, a shake of salt and some Indian spices are my favourite. Then bake on a cookie sheet for 10 - 18 min until dried out and crispy. They taste BETTER than chips and satisfy that salty crisp craving.
    I bet that would be great made out of kale too!
  • dawnhite7778
    Sorry guys. I just feed it. :laugh: Otherwise, I'm in a bad mood and lethargic like you can't imagine. :noway: It's just 2-3 days. How much damage can I do in that amount of time, if I stay good the rest of the month? That's my rationality behind it anyway. Good luck with the PMS-induced cravings you guys!

    LOL. I do a lot of damage in those two or three days. The only way to stop those cravings is with will power, sometimes I can and Other times I give in. :)
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    I attacked the kitchen yesterday. Tried to eat mostly healthy stuff and I make sure I do extra exercise also to earn those extra calories. Exercising also takes my mind off of food for awhile.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I let myself have some of whatever I want. It never last more than a few days, so I don't worry about it, since I don't stop running or whatever in that time frame.
  • wobbler14
  • newlifecowgirl
    I am so glad to read I am not the only one! I swear the last 3 days or so all I want to do is eat eat eat! Last night I attacked a bag of popcorn and penut butter filled pretzels on our way home from a movie. I just want sugar and salty! Frosted shredded wheat, and cottage cheese with a tsp of jam have been my go to's lately...uuggghh.
    My husband just leaves me alone or stays out of my way lol
  • bigbugboo
    bigbugboo Posts: 161
    Eating protein always curbs cravings for me, but if a chunk of cheese or meat doesn't do it for you when all you want is something sweet, a high protein bar will give you the sweetness you crave, but the high protein content will halt the cravings for any more, so damage is limited. You can count the bar into your daily allowance, so no real harm done. I always have mine with a big mug of (decaf) tea or coffee.

    Why not give it a try? It does the trick for me every time :)
  • hucksmom1
    Know this problem well! Going through right now actually. I usually feed it to some extent & then just up my exercise. I have found that Fiber One 90 calorie chocolate brownies are a lifesaver for the chocolate cravings! They taste like a real homemade brownie, are very satisfying & give you 20% of your daily fiber. Drink a glass of water afterwards & you're good to go! Good luck ladies!
  • Odlcruz
    I have crazy pms hunger right now, so I get my fill on fruit and dried fruit, really helps with the sugar cravings without the guilt. For dinner I made myself spaghetti squash with marinara, super delicious and low calorie. If you gotta binge, make sure it's healthy, light food.
  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member
    how to post this without sounding preachy?


    I have suffered with terrible TERRIBLE periods since I was 13. Also iron deficiency and all the horrible side effects of this time of the month. The cranks, depression, cramps, extreme hunger, soreness - all over.
    A couple of months ago I hit rock bottom from feeling sad all the time and tired and hungry and cranky...etc. A friend suggested magnesium and I gave it a go.
    In honest terms, it has changed my LIFE.
    I'm not saying it will change yours, but do some research, give it a try if you feel the need. I honestly feel so much better, I can't even seem to get stressed anymore! sounds like a miracle, well it has been for me.
    let me know if you do! would love to hear from others on it :)
  • kimbolay7
    kimbolay7 Posts: 96 Member
    For like two/three days I'm in a ridiculous amount of pain and don't feel like eating, ha! As a true Brit, I just crave a good cuppa tea or 6 with biscuits. And to be honest I'll eat it, and keep it within my calories. Then after that two/three days I feel fine lol! So weird. But I try to eat healthy things at first, raw veg and hummus and yoghurt etc! :)
  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    Sorry to bring this topic up from the dead, but I wanted to see what the message boards said about this. When I am a couple weeks out from starting my period I get these CRAZY protein cravings and I am SO hungry. It totally sucks! It is nice to know I am not the only one...
  • Drichard518
    I need some serious help. Even while I am eating I am still feeling HUNGRY. I cant seem to get it to STOP. It seems CONSTANT. Someone please give me sone GOOD sugestions
  • alijpizza
    alijpizza Posts: 3 Member
    I just read about an MIT study that suggests the cravings are due to a lack of serotonin and increasing seratonin will help curb cravings and reduce moodiness. They suggest low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate snacks. The recommendation is a snack containing 30-35 grams of carbohydrates with no more than 2 grams fat, and 2 grams protein. Some suggested snacks are popcorn, fat free chocolate fudge topping, pretzels, oatmeal with brown sugar, an English muffin with fruit preserves or even cotton candy. My own advise is to check the nutrition label and be sure you stay within the guidelines if you are trying to curb and not totally indulge the cravings. I just ate a corn tortilla with some medium organic salsa - no sugar added - and am feeling a bit better already. Good luck ladies! Here's a link to the article:


    I laughed out loud at the last line. The hulk in me did not appreciate the humor so it was a bitter laugh but I guess it just goes to show I'm not in the f@&$ing mood for shallow consolation.

    Whether you believe it or not, it's an interesting article and I'm willing to try anything to keep control of this madness!
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    I back up magnesium supplements. I used to have terrible chocolate cravings a week before periods. Now I am taking calcium+magnesium pill starting week before the day and no cravings at all! For the rest of the month I am just taking regular calcium, iron, vit C supplements.

    If you have a feeling that you keep eating but still feel hungry, pay attention to what are you eating. If you binging on empty calories, than your body still keep sending you a signal that it is hungry, because it is not getting enough of essential stuff, no matter how much of food you consume. Try to eat the whole food during that period of time and see if you will feel more satisfied.
  • lisamh1992
    lisamh1992 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Now that it has been a while do you still find magnesium supplementation works?