

  • I have a ****ting cat - does that count????
  • As in we have an arm and a shoulder and back???? Guess you will be inundated with 'friends'.........
  • Oh, I do that every day - I look in the mirror. No wonder I never feel like breakfast! :smile: I am in the Midlands, Scottish roots though.
  • Yup, count the duck in as well...........I always give up stuff for Lent and this seems a very constructive addition................Scales are being given to Mr Duck and will not be returned until Easter Sunday..............gulp......!!!! :tongue:
  • Well, jeez, you learn something new every day....... Do people really put on perfume or aftershave or whatever as they are about to work out?????????? Amazing........what is the point? Deoderant, of course,,,,,,but perfume?????? Oh well, you can tell I ain't been working out lately..........quack! :blushing: