

  • I cut back and save up 400+ calories over the week and use that as my "safety net" on the weekend. This way I don't gain weight, and with my cycling now I can burn it off quickly. :)
  • Also better to get Tuna in Brine/Spring water rather than oil, saves those calories! ;)
    in tuna Comment by richyrich89 June 2012
  • If you can off-set the calories, and save them up it will average out. I like to look at my daily calorie intake like an overdraft, and use the scale of payback as one week. So if I go out on Monday evening for a meal/drink and go over my calorie intake by say -400+ - I know I have to pay that back over the week. It's…
  • I like lots of vinegar, and pepper. I use extra light Mayo, and add 1 TBSP :)
    in tuna Comment by richyrich89 June 2012