Layla76 Member


  • I am just getting back into the swing of things after getting derailed from losing my job and getting depressed. I lost focus of what it was I had started. Just when I was feeling pretty low about myself I got a new job and am ready to get back on track!!! I will be doing the 21 Day Fix to help me get my food in check and…
  • I am just getting back into my routine and am aiming to get in 30 minutes a day 7 days a week. Please feel free to add me!!! :)
  • Welcome back!! Please feel free to add me. Im just getting back into logging myself. I fell off track a few months ago when I lost my job. But I have managed to pull myself back together and get back on track!!! With 85 lbs left to go I could use all the support I can get!! :)
  • Welcome back!!! Im also just getting myself back into logging again after having some hardships arise. Its amazing how losing ones job can set you adrift and into such a strange spiral. But Im happy to say Ive managed to put myself back on track and realize I need to stay with it or else nothing else will fall into place…
  • Hi there :) Im not new here but I am just getting back into logging my food. Had some life struggles that got in my way and off track. Glad to be back at it now and looking for some great new friends and support myself. Sending a friend request! And please, anyone else please feel free to add me. Ive got about 85 more lbs…
    in Hi! Comment by Layla76 October 2013
  • Like the others have said, its a day to day thing and it will take time to get into. The first week or so was a big eye opener for me. It let me truly see what I was eating and how much it was hurting me. After the first few days you begin to adjust because you see whats good for you and keeping you where you need to be to…
  • If you like a workout like Insanity but think its too tough Shaun T just released a new set of DVDs called FOCUS T25. There is a modifier for low impact and beginner moves and each workout is only 25 minutes long with a 3 minute stretch at the end. I also really love Chalene Johnsons Turbo Fire DVDs. She has a great…
  • Please feel free to add me. I have been on a 2 week mini meltdown after losing my job but I am getting back to normal this week and would love some more friends. We can all use all the motivation and support we can get!
  • Friend request sent! I fell off track about 2 weeks ago when I lost my job. I managed to gain 4 lbs....not terrible I know but still a step in the wrong direction. I have about 80 or so lbs left to go so any and all motivation and support is welcome!
  • Welcome back!! I have a lot more than 40lbs to lose but feel free to add me. I am just getting back on track with logging and working out after allowing myself to get derailed when I lost my job!
  • Like Brandy, I was going to say Body Beast but there is also a workout called Les Mills Pump, however some of those workouts are longer than 30 minutes. Still a good program though.
  • I have both the Fitbit One and the Polar FT4. I wear the Fitbit all day everyday and love that its a pedometer and tracks how many sets of stars Ive climbed plus calories burned and even a sleep tracker. When I work out I add the Polar and use that to track my workout. This method has worked out for me well so far. I…
  • Hi, there, Im Layla :) Ive been on here since february and have lost 23 lbs so far. There have been some ups and downs along the way, Ive lost at least 10 of that 23 I finally feel like Im on the right path this time and will be sticking with it. Making food changes is the hardest part but it soon becomes a new…
    in Introduce Comment by Layla76 July 2013
  • Ive been on here for awhile but I dont think you can ever have enough motivation or friends to help keep you on track! Please feel free to add me :) Im down 23 lbs since I started and have about 70 more to go!!
  • Ive been on here for awhile but I dont think you can ever have enough motivation or friends to help keep you on track! Please feel free to add me :)
  • Please feel free to add me. Im not a single parent but I do have big weight loss goals and any and all encouragement is welcome :)
  • Ive lost about 20lbs so far and have about another 70ish to go. Please feel free to add me. I have been busy lately but things are finally slowing down so I will be posting more and logging better.
  • Way to go on getting back on track!!! But please dont let the scale discourage you. Your weight can actually fluctuate on a daily basis anywhere from 3 lbs or more. It depends on a lot of things, I would only weigh yourself once a week and rely more on measurements.
    in Gutted :( Comment by Layla76 April 2013
  • Welcome :) Please feel free to add me
  • Awesome job!!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • This sounds delicious!!!
  • Shawna, you are so amazing!!! Thank you for inspiring me every day!! I am so very proud of you!!
  • You look great! Keep up the good work!!!
  • Please feel free to add me. Ive got about another 80lbs to go! The more support and motivation the better!
  • Hi Lea, Im Layla :) Friend request sent!
  • You've come so far woman!! You are doing an amazing job and I cant wait to see how things will progress on this crazy journey we are both on!
  • Im 5'2 and currently weigh 216....Id like to lose about another 60 to 80 lbs. Anyone, please feel free to add me :)
  • Amazing job!!! You look great!!!
  • Im currently doing Turbofire and love it. Im starting Les Mills Combat next month and Im also purchasing BBL this week. As you can tell Im a little bit of Beachbody Please feel free to add me :)
  • Im from NY and have about 70lbs or so to go. Please feel free to add me! :)