Just starting out and I need some motivation/friends!

Hi! I'm Courtney. I'm just starting out and I have a lot of work to do. I was an athlete in high school and have never HAD to lose weight before. I was never "skinny", but I was always fit/in-shape. I had a baby about 8 months ago and I now weigh over 50 pounds more than I did 3 years ago!

Anyways, I need some motivation to keep me going (read: FRIENDS!), especially since it seems all of my real-life friends are all super in shape already, so I don't have much motivation/understanding from any of them. All of our conversations about it sound something like this: "I need to lose weight" "Yeah my abs need to be much more toned!" How helpful and supportive!

Feel free to add me! :D


  • :smile: Hi Courtney,
    I too am looking for friends to help keep me motivated i am 40 yrs old in October and have let my weight take control now i am taking that control back would love to have you as a friend :)
  • MsTamikaP
    MsTamikaP Posts: 5
    Good morning:smile:

    Please add me to your friend list! We all need motivation anyway we can get it LOL!! I am in week 7 now, down 19.4lbs and it hasn't been easy, but is getting easier than it was in week 1-3. I say that to say this, every day is a challenge to do the right thing, but each day that passes it will get easier to make the right food choices and to resist those bad cravings LOL. The key is really to LOG every single thing that you eat .... everything.... even if it was bad-be honest because that will keep you on track or help get you back on track. I didn't know just how caloric some of the foods that I enjoyed the most were - i'm talking the crackers, cookies, dips & sauces; most things are obvious like fried foods, fast food, chips, cakes, pies, pasta's with heavy cream. I have a large family and quite a few friends and we love to dine out very often. I've learned to visit the restaurant website which always have a nutrition information pdf so I know what i'm going to order in advance and sort of map out what I eat throughout the day ... this has helped me TREMENDOUSLY! One last piece of advice (LOL), please make sure you get your 8 cups of water in daily - I admit I have a problem sometimes making this happen ... but I have gotten a lot more conscious about it and it does really help with weight loss. Have a wonderful day, be blessed, be encouraged and I'll look for your friend request!
  • cw1322
    cw1322 Posts: 3
    Great! Hopefully we can motivate each other! I keep saying I'm "going to start on Monday", but now I really do need to start!
  • lean_3
    lean_3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Courtney,
    i seem to be in the same situation as you, the only difference is i've been carrying this weight for 5 years as my last child is 5 now. in a perfect world i would love to loose 50lbs. but i am aiming for 30 by Christmas then another 20 by spring. would be great to keep ourselves motivated. i've taken up running and enjpy doing it when i have time and jillian michael's videos. i have a wedding at the end of september and i would love nothing more than to feel great in a dress. even losing 10lbs for this day would be fabulous.
    best of luck. keep motivated.
  • Layla76
    Layla76 Posts: 61 Member
    Ive been on here for awhile but I dont think you can ever have enough motivation or friends to help keep you on track! Please feel free to add me :)
  • Layla76
    Layla76 Posts: 61 Member
    Ive been on here for awhile but I dont think you can ever have enough motivation or friends to help keep you on track! Please feel free to add me :) Im down 23 lbs since I started and have about 70 more to go!!
  • MsTamikaP
    MsTamikaP Posts: 5
    Good morning!! :smile:

    I will be 39 in January and I am determined to be at least 50lbs lighter by then ... my goal is to be 100 lbs lighter by June 2014. I actually started with MyFitnessPal April 2012, quit about a month in and then just re-started this June. I am proud to say that I am now in week #7 and down 19.4lbs and that's with just eating better and staying below my calorie count (most of the time LOL). I starting my exercise goal today (Pray for me girlfriend LOL) because I know this will help me not only feel even better, but it will give me more visible results as well. I can't lie exercising is not one of my favorite things to do, but I know it will get easier as I make it a part of my daily life, just as I have with choosing to eat the right foods ... most of the time LOL. Not to mention those days that I do just want to eat "bad" with me exercising, i'm sure that will make those days far few and in-between .... I HOPE lol! Anyway, I look forward to getting your friend request - have a great day, be blessed, be encouraged .... WE WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!
  • Hi, I just joined yesterday, well rejoined, and agree we all need help sometimes and motivation from people who know what we're going through is a great help! There is so much help and advice from others on here, we all have our own goals to achieve at our own pace and I think that's whats good about being on here no one is judgemental, just helpful and supportive :)
  • cw1322
    cw1322 Posts: 3
    In the past hour, I have already gotten more support from people who I don't even know on here than I've gotten in the past 6 months from my own friends and family! Thank you so much (to everyone) and I'm trying to get around to replying to all of them :)
  • mmkaye
    mmkaye Posts: 23 Member
    I too need friends to help me along this path! I know I can do it but its hard watching my family have things I can't....I have a long road to travel but I will reach the end.
  • egwene1977
    egwene1977 Posts: 69
    Hi Ladies,

    I've been on this journey since October, and I'm now down 67 pounds (10-15 to go) :) I am more than happy to provide support and encouragement, so feel free to send me a friend request.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey Courtney! Welcome :) I just recently came back to MFP, so guess I'm am just re-starting over :) I sent you a friend request. I hae a long journey ahead of me as well, so I would be happy to be of any encouragement to you that I can :)
  • chickaney
    chickaney Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I could use some friends too. I've always been on the border line of overweight all my life. But last two years I just stopped caring. I have never exercised in my life apart from my commute to work or college, which later I stuck with bus. No one has ever told me what I can do to become fit. But they never missed an opptunity to call me fat.
    I have finally realize only I can bring a change in me. So add me to help each other get the motivation. :)
  • Amy510w
    Amy510w Posts: 17 Member
    I just rejoined here again! :) Looking for friends and motivation - I will send you a friend request soon.
  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    Sup Ladies! I agree with MsTamika, LOG EVERYTHING and don't be embarrassed about it. Drink AT LEAST 64 ounces of water a day and if exercising, you need even more with drinks like Powerade to replenish electrolytes. Remember, it's not about the individual numbers you will see go up and down on the scale; it's about the progress you make over a period of time. This is a journey, a process, not a race, and there is no finish line. Our ultimate goals, most of us, are to be healthy and live more fulfilled lives. Anyone can add me!
  • lmurphy15
    lmurphy15 Posts: 5
    I too am looking for some support on here! I was doing ok but haven't logged on in a long time, really. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Claudia133
    Claudia133 Posts: 6 Member
    Been there done that and heard that....you are so capable of losing ....I started losing by replacing sugar with protein and replacing gluten and corn (all products with corn in them) with rice and other healthy grains and amped up veggie gorging...lol. Then added small increments of exercise...I remember doing yoga a lot at hme because the kids could crawl all over me and I could still get in a workout...then walking fast with the stroller...etc. Baby steps... so excited for you...I always allow 3 sins a week and lately they just are not worth it. :P
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. We could all use that push. :)