

  • You look awesome! Way to go!
  • Couch to 5k is an app that helps people get into running but at a slower pace. So instead of just going outside and running, there is weekly routine. So for mine, week 1 I start by walking for 5 min then I run for 1min and walk for 1 1/2 min 8 times then cool down with a 5 min walk. The app that I have is nice cause it'll…
  • Thanks everyone! I'll make sure to post when I get to the higher weeks:)
  • It's a nice way to start running! The one I have I run for 1 minute and walk to 1 1/2 minutes 8 times, so theres a nice break after running:)
  • Thanks everyone for the help!! I really like the pre-logging idea! I haven't thought about doing that, hopefully this way it'll help me realize what I'm about to eat! Thanks everyone so much!!!