

  • I do a combination of things. Because I too commute over an hour a day, I understand how that trips you up. In the past, I would get in my mind that I was going to work out at a specific time and then if something happened that made it impossible, the day was shot. So at the beginning of my week, I map out for each day…
  • When I want a sugar kick, I make up the Crystal Light knock-off from Aldi's. I think the brand is Fit-n-Light. Anyway, 0 sugars, 0 calories, etc. and it taste just like kool-aid! I also use it with unflavored protein powder and ice to make a slush. I agree with the night-time eating. My weakness is snacking at night. I…
  • Thanks everyone...these are great ideas. I forgot about hummus which is sooooo delicious. It's tricky to get the complete proteins without the carbs.
  • Hey, can anyone give me some good vegetarian protein ideas that aren't going to add too many carbs? I have been using whey protein shake mix in the morning which helps a lot, but I need some other ideas. Thanks!
  • I buy the chocolate whey protein shake mix (at Walmart) and use one scoop with 8 ox of soy milk. I put it through the blender to make it more shake-like than stirring it would. Here's the nutritional rundown - 230 calories; 15 carbs; 6 fat; 30 protein; 30 cholesterol . Sometimes I will add a scoop to vanilla yogurt. If you…
  • I bet that is very frustrating. As a vegetarian, I tend to eat a lot of carbs because they make up pieces of my protein sources, so I understand how hard carbs are to avoid. Obviously this site is working well for you. Congrats on the 23 lbs! I would recommend that you also get your hands on information from the American…
    in Diabetes Comment by slwwilson April 2009
  • Lentils or quinoa are great. Also I buy a whey protein shake mix and use Soy milk with it. You may want to get some vegetarian cookbooks which will have information on making complete proteins from beans and grains. One of my favorites is the New Laurel Cookbook. It's an old cookbook but has great information on nutrition.…
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