I gotta question.....

Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, like many other worker bees out there I commute 30 miles to work each way and with traffic that takes about 2 hours out of each day. I like working out in the morning but most of my team that I work with are scattered all over the world and being on Pacific time, it's best that I get into work early. So that leaves me the evenings to workout or run. I have been running 4 days a week pretty consistently since the fall but what I am finding is, it is cutting into my life. Doing normal things like shopping for food, cooking and spending time with those I love. I am gone on the weekends so I only have weekdays to take care of chores. Is there anyone else out there having a hard time balancing normal business and family time with working out?


  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Oh, I so know where you are coming from! 3 kids, full-time job, training for a run...... Fortunately for me, my husband is wonderful and picks up my slack. I just read an article the other day suggesting that if you commute, you could possibly find a gym nearby your place of work, or run outside nearby there, and then you'll miss the rush hour, making your commute take less time -- NOT your workout.

    I do small runs during the week and do my long runs on the weekend, when I have more time to commit..... Good luck!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I see and hear what your saying. I generally exercise at 4am before my children get up. But really this is all up to you and what you think should fit into your life. What about bike riding with your loved ones and incorporating them in your work outs somehow. We do family bike rides, or play a game of flash light tag late at night. You could work out later... You'll find a balance that works for you. I wish I had more suggestions, but again I'm a VERY early bird... Well wishes to you on your weight loss journey :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Here's some good ideas for workouts you can do in your car while driving or stuck in traffic. This was just the first result when I typed "car workouts" in google. There's others out there so be creative!

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    When I worked out (which I need to get back to), I worked out during my lunch breaks. Total 'me time', totally relaxing destressing lunch break!
  • I do a combination of things. Because I too commute over an hour a day, I understand how that trips you up. In the past, I would get in my mind that I was going to work out at a specific time and then if something happened that made it impossible, the day was shot. So at the beginning of my week, I map out for each day three possible workout hours - i.e. 5 a.m., lunch or 8 p.m. according to what is going on. Somedays, any choice of those is doable, but others it's not.

    If none seem doable, then I make arrangements with my husband, friend or whoever to cover for me during one of those times. I also found a community center around my work where I can workout for free. That helps when I can't get to my neighborhood YMCA in the morning or evening.

    Frankly, I have no problem taking a whole hour to myself a day. When I work out, I am a better employee, mother, wife and friend.

    Good luck!
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    When I worked out (which I need to get back to), I worked out during my lunch breaks. Total 'me time', totally relaxing destressing lunch break!

    I would love to work out during lunch but I hate the idea of going back sweaty and it seems like showering, hair and makeup would just over extend my time. However, with that said I suppose I could start going for a more .... natural look....if working out were the priority. I have to explore the lunch workout thing again I think.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    working out time is cumulative. what I mean is, if you spent half of your lunch break just walking(to reduce the sweaty factor), then you will have burned in the neighborhood of 100-150 calories (depending on your speed). Then your evening workout can be shortened without you losing the benefit of a daily hour of exercise. I used to do this when I was working, I'd eat my lunch in the first 15 minutes and then I'd go walking for the next 45 mins. It was great for getting my head re-focused for the afternoon too!
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    So at the beginning of my week, I map out for each day three possible workout hours - i.e. 5 a.m., lunch or 8 p.m. according to what is going on. Somedays, any choice of those is doable, but others it's not.

    I like this cuz it gives me options! My days are never the same, I never start work at the same time and sometimes I am not even in the office. I also bore easy from routine so this just may solve a couple of issues I have.

    Thank you and thank everyone for all your wonderful suggestions! It's also nice to know I'm not alone in this struggle.


  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    working out time is cumulative. what I mean is, if you spent half of your lunch break just walking(to reduce the sweaty factor), then you will have burned in the neighborhood of 100-150 calories (depending on your speed). Then your evening workout can be shortened without you losing the benefit of a daily hour of exercise. I used to do this when I was working, I'd eat my lunch in the first 15 minutes and then I'd go walking for the next 45 mins. It was great for getting my head re-focused for the afternoon too!

    Good point! I never thought of it that way.
  • Can you work from home ? Or work out a modified work week where you work mornings when the rest of the world is also awake, but go home and finish the day from there when it's "slow". Even if it's 2 or 3 days a week.
    It may not seem like it'd do much, but seen as though hair/makeup is a problem :) you can do your workouts that coincide with when you work at home. Say, @work in morning, drive home, go for run and lunch, have shower, work rest of afternoon. No need for hair/makeup then eh ?
    You also miss a "rush hour". It's amazing how much time you can get back by small changes in the work day.... and being disciplined to not work or be at work for the sake of being there and clocking hours. Obviously overtime or hourly employees may see it differently.
    Work smarter, not harder - that includes your schedule
  • I know it's awful to have to do, but when my children were young I would get up between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. to workout before I got ready for work. Some days it was miserable to do, but most days, I had no other time to ever squeeze it in! It is easier now that my children are teenagers. Though getting up was tough, getting a workout in every day was great! Good luck to you.
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