

  • Hi I've just gone 44 (21st Feb) currently 6 stone over weight so for health reasons I NEED to lose all that weight, so far this week I've walked 30 miles............not all at once lol. not bad to say that i'm in lots of pain because of osteoarthritis in my knees and back the most mileage I've managed in a day is 7 miles…
  • I'm in with you all I'm hoping to do an hours walk everyday I have leg trouble but I'm going to be pushing myself to do this the more people I can get to do it with me the better, I've installed the runtastic app that you can sync with mfp although a run is out of the question but walking will be fine, I'm getting ready to…
  • Hi all, i am too just starting out, need to lose around 4 stone so i'll be needing all the help i can get, i'm 43 live in scotland but originally from west yorkshire UK, i have recently joined my local community centre sports facillity so now go swimming every day and do up too 40 lengths, today was the first time i'd gone…