

  • Hi Kim, I just wanted to say I know how you feel as an ex-smoker, and someone who always used to beat themselves up mentally-The key phrase is USED TO. I started with baby steps and made an effort really to change my negative thoughts into positive ones-it makes such a difference and I know find taking care of my body is…
  • I will pray for you and your family and that his guardian angels move steadfast towards, protect him, and keep him healthy. I hope it is just a cold too.:heart:
  • Thank you! I appreciate all your advise and from the other experienced members as well. It took me a LONG month of eating too little calories and never seeing the scale budge to realize I needed to eat MORE. I felt shaky, tired, and generally out of it-the funny thing was the caloric intake was the amount had been…
  • CONGRATS!:drinker: I quit smoking 104 days ago by using Chantix for a month and have never looked back. It was a breeze because you don't get those-'I need a cigarette now before I kill someone' kind of feelings. I missed drinking and smoking too but the benefits of breathing fresh air, new sense of smell, and a serious…
  • It sounds like everybody has some good ideas-adding Pilates will definitely help-I took some classes at the gym and right now have been doing the Firm videos 5-6 days a weeks. Nobody mentioned however one of my FAV things which is a stability ball trainer (not the small hand held ball but the big ball you sit on) I used to…
  • That is what I needed to hear! My biggest problem has been on the weekends and I always ruin my whole weeks work-I will definitely write my goals down today like you suggested. My plan of attack this weekend is to get outdoors as much as possible, do some yard work, take my dog for a long hike, and stock up on healthy…