

  • Is marmite a nutritional yeast? I love marmite, but is very salty.
  • oh thanks for being so supportive and nice! I have been meaning to post again but if you can believe this I got totally paranoid that people would think I was stupid for backsliding, I felt so ashamed of myself- I know I can do this, I'm going to add some more friends and start doing my diary straight away- again thank you…
  • Thank you guys for all the really supportive comments. I am going to chat to her tomorrow about having mommy time and get my hubby on board re making sure I get that time! I think she may be a wee bit anxious because I'm heading back to work next week after a while off and she is acting out a little. I have a bedtime…
  • Hi I'd like to join this group, 100 lbs to lose, anyone want to add me as a friend feel free---need ALL the help I can get. Am based in Ireland, two children and a large midriff!!! Good luck everyone
  • Hi just joined today. From Ireland would really love an online buddy if anyone was free. Been trying for nearly a year, since I had my son, to motivate myself to lose weight-- hopefully now is the time. Hope you all are well
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