My taco salad, about two cups of shredded lettuce, deer meat or turkey meat (ground up) with your favorite taco seasoning, through about three oz of meat on the lettuce! I add green peppers chopped and tomatoes and salsa and hot sauce, mix together and dinner! (if you want you can add tortilla strips too) about 300…
What temp did you bake it and how long? Sounds great!
Hell, my name is Leah and we are about the same size did you want to be friends? I only have two, my husband and someone who requested me!
I am 32 and also two kids and I'm 5'2" and lost 13lbs in about two in half mos! I now weigh 124, I'm still tying to lose maybe 5more pounds, I'm so sick of running but I push myself a least three days a week for a half hour! Good luck, you should get to your goal weight pretty fast!
I am 5'2" and I just had a baby 6 mos ago and I just lost 13lbs, I now weigh 124! I started watching my calories and started running @ least three times a week, If I can't I try to run four times! I started this January 17th and it really is a struggle to get myself to run but I always suck it up and do it! I only run for…
Cesar salad , water and a 90calorie special k bar!