

  • back bean and chick peas on a bed of baby spinach and broccili slaw topped with salsa and back olives and of course pepper jack cheese.\ It is my favorite
  • I can't wait to try it Thanks for the idea
  • I make strawberry jam every year. nI the morning with my Ice Tea no sugar, I would have it on toast with my jam. Since I have joined this site I have stopped and now am eating oatmeal. I would also peel back a banana and put peanut butter on that which is really good.
  • Me! In 2006 after completing a triathlon my body and mind was shutting down. It took until this jan. to regulate the meds. I gained about 30 pounds since 2006 but I feel I am on the road to recovery. I hit a wall in Nov 2006 but didn;t know what wall until i went in to the Doc and they took the blood sample. I am 47 and it…
  • Plan: If you know you'll be chilling with friends that night eat a good breakfast and lite lunch and dinner. Walk an extra 3 miles and have what you want. I will do popcorn, nuts, seeds of sorts. I usually like wine 2-3 nights a week so I make sure I can with food and a little of walking. Great those 100 calories a bag…
  • Hello: I joined myself today. This is a great site because it takes the guess work out of eating for me. steadyasigo
    in Hello Comment by steadyasigo August 2010
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