

  • From what I can tell from the trainer I have asked is that your lean muscle weight will increase, but body fat will decrease if you do high protien, low cal. At my last weigh in thats exactly what happened so it seems to work for me and I go WAAAYY over on my protein each day.
  • Thank you so much for sharing your story, you look amazing as well! On a week where it seems like there is no home support (I am taking my baby to my workouts now) I needed an encouraging story like this!
  • I just moved back from the UK and in all my searching there I never found any spaghetti squash, its very different than butternut, its usually a product of Mexico, maybe you can have some luck asking at your local market even though I never did
  • Can I join? How do the groups work? I am new to mfp but looking at loosing about 150 pounds! Seems to far away but hoping to keep the motivation this time to really do it!! I have always tried doing it alone, so hopefully with support I can make it happen
  • I would like to be included in the group please. I am new and don't know anyone here yet and still learning my way around but this seems like the group for me!