philipjhill1 Member


  • I am no expert, I would say proteins after a workout will help you build muscle better than carbs will. Egg-white omlette with chopped ham might be a good example? Also the higher % of body weight you have as muscle, means the more calories you require to maintain your current weight, therefore there should be an…
  • I do try and monitor my weight 4 - 5 times a week. Usually first thing in the morning. I find I am at my lowest point usually Thursday Morning and the highest Sunday Morning and my weight fluctuates throughout the week. That's just me and it's what I have noticed. MFP allows you to tailor your calorific intake according to…
  • I like beer buts it full of Calories. My strategy is to set my weightloss target to something realistic. (say 2lbs a week if you think you would lose 4 without the alcohol) then to add up my calories (180 per beer) over the week and set my daily target so on average I am down - therefore say 1500 cal's a day leaves me a…
  • Agreed my favorite JH film!
  • The getting off the elevator is a big thing. You can feel the excercise your getting in your legs (well I can heaving myself and my laptop up 8 flights each morning). Plus you get to look back and think 'Last month i was REALLY out of breath, now just slightly out of breath!' My first change was to cut out sugar from my…
  • I don't know if this helps or not (am also in England by the way). Motivation, I find waxes and wanes when you're goal or goals seems unlikely or impossible. Maybe you need to look at what you have achieved so far, set a new (mini) target and also set yourself a little challenge of something different. This might be…
  • Relatively new to all this - to be honest I didn't think I'd be able to lose anything but got off 14lbs before joining this site. Anyhow beers my thing but not every night. I allow myself a three on and four off routine and make sure my total hollow calories consumed those unhealthy days are burned during the other four. I…