

  • Hi there, I just went for an ultrasound and found out that I might have PCOS. I've been married for almost 11 years and we haven't gotten pregnant yet. Never really "tried" but we haven't not tried either if you get what I mean. I have to go for another ultrasound in 4-6 weeks to see if the cysts have gone away but in the…
  • I'm going to try the quiche recipe this weekend, it might work for my early weekday mornings if I make it on a Sunday. I'll give the ezekiel bread a go and let you know how I feel about it lol.
  • Great ideas! I can say that aside from the raisins (blech) I have no complaints about any of the suggestions, i'm glad I posted. How does Ezekiel bread taste?? I've been curious about it for a while but def don't want to do the raisin/cinnamon lol, thanks y'all!
  • LMAO yea, sometimes the thought pops into my head and now I know i'm not alone HAHAHAH!
  • Not sure where you live, but if you want a really kick *kitten* workout and love to skate you should check and see if there is a Roller Derby league in your area ;-)
  • They are about the same, however roller skating burns 316 calories per 1/2 hour. Check out this site for all comparisons :happy: http://www.fitday.com/webfit/burned/calories_burned_Jogging_general.html