erm you do realise that WalMart don't manufacture their bikes in the same way they don't actually cook all those ready meals and they don't can their own baked beans. We use the same suppliers as actual stores do so we're at risk of the same problems as every other store is when the manufacturer makes a goof up. We also…
What a load of nonsense, as it happens I work for ASDA (proud to be part of the WalMart family) and guess what? Everything, even the ASDA cheapest stuff complies to all the saftey regulations that it should THIS IS THE LAW! Even big firms like ours aren't immune to the law, they actually make examples of big firms so we…
There's quote a lot of miis stored on our wii fit and it's always grassing others up for not excersising "oh i haven't seen person A in 7 days" and stuff like that. Also my wii fit age fluctuates like crazy, one day i'm 21, next i'm 46 and then i'm 22.
Do you have people coming with you for support? If so just leave your stuff with them. You wont need your house keys if you're running after all.
thanks guys, the sausages were grilled quorn sausages which aren't that bad for you. And let me highlight that 1200 is the requirement for a 4 year old! I'm 22. ETA the BMR calculator said that i need 1460 calories to get through the day, I know for sure that you should never consume less caloroies than the BMR requirement…
thanks ChubbyBunny! I'm having real problems with trying to eat like a 4 year old. Not to be too personal but are you losing weight on 1500 cals?
I feel like an idiot! i'm qualified in nutrition but only for under 19s and I can't work with my allowance of 1200 calories. I realise it's only supposed to be a 500 calorie deficit but i'm already 600 calories over on today and i've not had that much to eat. Something about 1200 stuck in my head and then I realised that…
butter spray? as in butter in an aerosol format? That's just plain mental, don't think we have it here in the UK. We do have olive oil spray which is apparently 1 calorie per spray.
I'm a student and an optometrists assistant.
70 is kind of high but can be normal, i really must stress that you see a doctor even if only to reassure you that you're not in any danger of an underlying cardiac condition creeping up on you. He/she might also be able to advise if it's just the machine you're using that's giving the freak heart rates. I know when i use…
You may burn more calories but you're screwing with your cardiac health, take it from the 22 year old pacemaker patient it's not a good idea.
Try these numbers and see if they help: your heart rate should never rise above 220 - your chronological age (so if you're 30 your HR shouldn't rise about 190 beats per minute). Stastistically you are burning most fat when your heart rate is between 70 and 80% of its maximum (again if you're 30 then that's between 133 and…
you're better getting a B12 that goes straight to your blood stream as it's poorly absorbed in the stomach so a strip that melts onto the tongue is better than a pill.
Hi I'm Jennifer, i'm 22 and a final year toxicology (biomedicine) student from Scotland, UK. When I'm not in the lab i work as an optical assistant for a huge, multinational corporation. I joined this board because i want to lose a bit of the pudge and it's handy for keeping track of what i'm eating. I used to be fit and…