dltaylor4 Member


  • Thanks for the info everyone. What I got from all of your input is I need to eat more. Maybe I will try 3000 calories on work out days and 2500 on non-work out days. That's about 1000 more a day than I do right now. Anyone ever explode from eating too much healthy food? Any more suggestions on Calorie dense nutritious…
  • I have lost about 3" from my abdomen, and about 2" from my waist. Don't get me wrong, I am losing. I can fit into pants I have not been able to in a couple of years, and a feel a lot better. My concern is, should more be coming off. I am happy to see the scale going down and not up. But everything I have read says eat more…
  • I have a scale at home. They salads I eat are mostly from bags and restaurants, so I use what they have on the side or web site for the numbers.
  • This might be were I am having trouble understanding. They way I understand, I need to take the 10-15% cal from my TDEE, but at least eat my BMR everyday. I am not even getting to my BMR right now. I know its a numbers game, but I am an engineer, and that is how my mind works. I wish I could just forget it and continue on.
  • Thanks for the quick replies everyone. I am a little worried that I am not eating enough. I started this Journey on Feb 1st. SO I am about 13 weeks in, and have lost 20 pounds. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that I am losing weight, but that is less the 2 pounds a week. If I have a 1000 calorie deficit, that would be 2…