31 years old 5"7' SW 238 (April 2011 - when I finally ditched the husband!) CW 187 GW 150 I'm getting there, and nearer to my goal than to my starting weight!!! Finally gave up the cigarettes too, and I am not going back to any of my old ways!!
Personally, I think women have dug themselves into a hole trying to prove that not only are they equal to men in every field that they compete in, but also wanting to be the best stereotypical female role models and now there's a ridiculous amount of pressure on women to be everything to everyone. I am happy to recognize…
Do it!! I did. I used the patches as they curb the cravings and stop the 'empty' feeling you get straight away from lack of nicotine. I exercised more (one of the many benefits of not chuffing on a cigarrette was that I could breath again!) and if you're looking for on-hand incentives, the QuitNow app helped me as it…