

  • Hi Heather, I have my PhD, but I remember the times when I worked so hard hard on my dissertation that I ate poorly, and did not exercise. My doctor gave me anti-anxiety medicine, but I decided to build a support system of family and friends. I also had to become very disciplined and divide up the tasks I needed to…
  • Hi, Are you feeling bloated as if you just had a coke or something? Or when you look in the mirror you still yourself as a bigger person than you know you are. Perhaps you can talk with your trainer about this to see if this is common for someone who has lost as much weight as you have.:smooched:-)
  • Meeper123, be encouraged! You did it once and you can do it again. I have been married for 15 years and have gained 31 pounds. I think myfitnesspal can help you. Set a goal and work towards it. Now, my husband and I are working together to lose weight and think that will help. Perhaps your husband will work with you.…