

  • Regarding your meds: Your body really really needs more time to adjust. Give it another two to six months before you'll be adjusted and seeing results. A mental health problem like anxiety is definitely going to cause some stress on your body as well. I have an adjustment disorder and am on Nortriptyline (normally an…
  • According to my doctors and the current state of my back I am not supposed to be exercising. I need to let my back heal and rest, with small physical therapy to strengthen my core and shoulder. Accordingly I have been sent to the nutritionist and have a pretty strict 1500 calorie lifestyle set out for me to lose weight…
  • I'm definitely going to check out that GymPact app. I guess being desperate for money can help in this situation! May I also add that if you are seriously, seriously lacking motivation and would rather stay in bed than workout or do anything - see your doctor or a therapist. There could be an underlying chemical imbalance…
  • I'm the exact same way. I want to work out, I want to be stronger, I want to be fit, but I just can't seem to get out the door or grab that dvd. It always seems like there is something else on my to-do list to get done first. I would clean the whole house before I would put on my sneakers for a walk. I've tried asking…
  • Are you eating the same foods as before? Are you getting enough protein? Drinking enough water? Is it possible you can see a nutritionist?
  • I agree! Grab a glass of water or make some tea. Make notes with times of when you're feeling this way and try to figure out why. Maybe you're not getting enough protein to make you full at breakfast or lunch? Getting on the message boards is a great way to pass time too.