

  • I've been cutting down my calories by a lot and i've been drinking water & am on diet pills. I'm having to wait until payday before i can join the gym but at the moment my body seems to lose weight but puts it back on almost instantly and i always seem to be bloated. I only aim to get down to 10 stone as i'm only slightly…
  • Would you recommend tap water or bottled? I've never though to drink it tbh, i've always been slim until recently so never dieted before. Thankyou :)
  • I'm 21- i'd love to have people on here round about my age :)
  • Hiya, i'm looking for buddies to have on here to help me with my weight loss. I think I would find it a lot easier seeing other people going through the same as me :D
  • I was on the implant for 3 years, that's where all my weight came from. When I had it fitted I was 9 stone, by the time I got it out I was 10 stone. I did join the gym and managed to lose a bit of weight but I put it all back on. I'm on cerazette pill now & stil lhave problems with my weight.
    in Implant? Comment by oxzoeee March 2012