Anyone know the best way to lose a stone and half?

I'm 10 stone 8 and ideally would love to get back down to 9 stone but i'm finding it incredibly hard to lose weight. I'm quite chubby in my arms legs and hips mainly. The contraceptive implant caused me to put a lot of weight on as I was constantly hungry and got the shakes if I didn't eat. I've had it out for about 6 months and have been using this site for a few months and most days i'm either under my calories or just a tiny bit over but have lost nothing. I don't have much time to exercise as I work a lot and when i'm not at work i spend a lot of time doing my university assignments which involves sitting down a lot. I do the occassional bit of exercise such as walking and i've started going swimming once/twice a week. A friend of mine has joined slimming world and has lost 2 stone just from counting points and she does no exercise whatsoever but I can't afford to go every week. I've just purchased some diet pills but as far as I can tell they don't seem to be doing much.

Just wondered if anyone could tell me the best way to lose weight and fit into my routine or the best diet to follow? I was told that because i'm only slightly overweight for my weight it's harder to lose weight. Please help as it's getting me really down.
My bmi for my height and weight is 27.1 and to be classed as overweight your bmi needs to be over 25, which means i've overweight for my height.


  • Drink tons of water! Always have a bottle in your hand! I did this when I first started losing weight and it's amazing! You'll love the results! You're going to feel completely refreshed all the time!
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Pretty much the same way you lose 1lb or even 50 stone!

    Ok, beyond the sarcasm, there are tons of resources here to help. The best place to start would be to set up some food goals using the guidance from the site, and start logging and see how you get in.

    If you really want awesome arms and pins for when you go out though, I recommend you get in the gym too, and ideally get lifting some weights. There's a book that loads of the women on here recommend, something like the new rules of lifting for women, so that could be a good starting point, can't comment on it myself, as I'm a guy and have never read it!
  • oxzoeee
    oxzoeee Posts: 6
    Would you recommend tap water or bottled? I've never though to drink it tbh, i've always been slim until recently so never dieted before. Thankyou :)
  • I recommend keeping a 16oz bottle of water with you at all times! They say to drink atleast 8 cups of water. If you think about it 160z = 2 cups. So you'll only drink four bottles of water which really doesn't seem like that much. :)
  • mrsanderson2be
    heya hun theres some hot pants to can buy at mo on happli there only a tenner and they use your body heat the slim down your belly, legs and bum im gonna show aaron and get some probably later
    theres the website that explains how they work
    but join happli for the £10 deal :)
    love you xxxx
  • hutchy100
    hutchy100 Posts: 103 Member
    By watching what you eat and working out will help a lot
  • tomcat2012
    I'm kind of in the same situation - I've been on here for a little over a month, and I have a really hard time dropping the pounds or self-motivating. I decided to join an aerobic kickboxing class twice a week, that I manuvered to fit into my 6-day a week work schedule. If I am expected by a roomful of women to show up every wednesday and saturday, I'm ten times more likely to go just to save face than to lay on my couch and find excuses not to work out. And I HATE working out. Loathe it. Wish I could think the weight away. But little by little, it's working. Try joining a class. it just may be the motivation you need.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    By doing the same thing everyone else does..? Eat at a deficit and exercise when you can.
  • oxzoeee
    oxzoeee Posts: 6
    I've been cutting down my calories by a lot and i've been drinking water & am on diet pills. I'm having to wait until payday before i can join the gym but at the moment my body seems to lose weight but puts it back on almost instantly and i always seem to be bloated. I only aim to get down to 10 stone as i'm only slightly overweight, so I only need to lose 6 pounds but that's proving to be really hard atm.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I've been cutting down my calories by a lot and i've been drinking water & am on diet pills. I'm having to wait until payday before i can join the gym but at the moment my body seems to lose weight but puts it back on almost instantly and i always seem to be bloated. I only aim to get down to 10 stone as i'm only slightly overweight, so I only need to lose 6 pounds but that's proving to be really hard atm.

    With only 6 lbs to lose, try setting your loss target to 0.5lb a week.
    or work out the maintenance for 10stone and eat at that, that way you won't have to alter much when you get to goal.
  • mrsanderson2be
    yea they cost £44.00 odd but if you read my message on happli website which is like wowcher or groupon there selling them for a tenner :P and it costs me £20 a month pay as you go :) xx
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I find it helpful to keep a water bottle on my desk that holds at least 32 fluid ounces (4 cups). Drinking two of these per day (which is easy) fulfills my 8 cups of water. I just fill it up twice, and that's it!