

  • I am sorry to hear about your injury, I just came back from the Orthopaedics surgeon my self and its really hard to lose weight when you can't exersice. I don't have any suggestion just I hope that you feel better soon and just go slow with what ever you decide to do so that you don't hurt your self more.
  • Welcome to fitness pal I really love this site. I have met some wonderful people and it does keep me on track. Good luck to you:smile:
  • Oh my , you look amazing !!! You must be so proud of yourself. I hope that I can get to that point one day.
  • Thanks for the advise I will give it a try. I do walk alot so maybe I will change that up and do some strenght training. As far as what I eat I am pretty basic, I eat under my calories . I am a salad eater I eat it everyday for lunch I really love them.
  • Good luck to you, I had that same mind set at the beign of the year. I feel its the hardest thing in life to do, is to lose weight.
  • Good morning, I am looking for support from ladies my own age, I have two daughters that tryed to help me stay on the diet , which isn't that hard , but they are much younger then I am and as much as I thank them it brings me down because the weight just drops off of them and I work so hard. They drop in a week 1 to 2 lbs…