

  • Well so far I have been exercising everyday but I had to go to emergency today due to high blood pressure. 221/115 it really scared me and I am so worried about exercising now. I wish I knew what was going on with my body. I am now taking myself off breads, sugars of all sorts only fruit, veggies, and proteins. I have to…
  • Incredible Hulk 4 oz of Naked Green Machine 1/2 cup of Ice 1 scoop of Vanilla or plain protein powder 1 tbsp of Chia Seeds 4 oz of plain yogurt. Tastes like Fruity Milkshake -
  • If you like International coffees here is one that my best friend uses and she has lost over 40lbs. I taught it to her. 1 tsp of chai International Coffee sugar free 1 scoop of vanilla protein (designer whey GNC or Vanilla Torte Nectar) 4 oz of Soy Milk or Skim Milk 4 oz of Water or Ice 1 tbsp of Chia Seeds - keeps you…
  • Hi Jenny, I can understand how annoying that is. I was reading an experience about a young lady that was thin most of her life, she ate pizza, hamburgers etc... and remained thin as a rail and was quite healthy, however, when her family kept feeding her head with if you don't stop eating like that you will gain weight, she…
  • I am confused about the calories and exercise piece. I never counted calories before this is my first time doing this. I am confused because according to my calorie intake and exercise I am not eating enough. Its strange because of my Gastric Bypass I cannot eat much unless I eat unhealthy foods. I know that I am burning…
  • Hey Trixie, you are definitely right on the money :). I told my friend yesterday, that we are rebellious by nature, if you tell us we can't have something we want it more. There is nothing in this world that we can't have without hard work. the problem with diets is that it actually trains your mind to think that you are…
  • Good Morning, I had bariatric Surgery on 1/21/2009, I was 326lbs and lost 146lbs within 8 months. Unfortunately, I gained 25lbs in 2 years however it is not unfortunate due to the fact I am still 100lbs down from where I started and I am healthier than I was before. I am wearing a size 14 instead of a size 28 and I feel…