pgalvez Member


  • Yay! For the compliments! and Yay! for the smaller boobs! Well I guess YAY! for the whole dang thing. I hope my boobs shrink! I would like a C-cup. Having huge knockers stinks and they keep you from doing some activities. I also can't wait to only have one chin. Sigh* Just gotta keep at it! AWESOME JOB!
  • You're heart rate sounds fine, normal is 60 to 100 bpm. You're blood pressure is also with in range. Normal is 90-120/60-80. Usually physicians don't worry about your heart rate being at 110 unless you have symptoms. Your blood pressure is fine too its just on the lower end, and again as long as you don't have symptoms its…
  • My right knee does that all the time and my family hates to hear it. And when I touch my knee I can actually feel something grating, its kind of gross. I'm only 24 years old so I'm kind of worried too! Also I asked my doctor and they said that unless it was hurting to not worry about it. They also said that it would…