Method_One Member


  • Everything!! It's great on eggs. I use it in place of ketchup a good deal. Along the same vein in flavor profile, I've also gotten into Korean hot chili paste as a base for marinated chicken and pork.
  • Here's a pretty good site that posts a lot of content: Very cross fit oriented but typically good info...
  • I'd tapper off hard training and sparring the last week or week and a half and focus on cardio sessions, timing sparring, and strategy/visualization. Try to go in loose and rested with a good day of rest under your belt before your match. Also, have a concise game plan for your match that can be easily checked off when…
  • Extra... Getting enough sleep gives better diet results Your fat percentage is too high; you reduce your calorie intake and you hope and pray that you retain lean body mass and lose as much fat as possible. According to researchers at the…
  • A quick how to with video! How To Do The Abdominal Plank August 13, 2012 by Admin: Joe Hashey, CSCS
  • I'm still into rolling patterns! Here are some extra links as promised. These can be tough at first but compromise your form as little as possible and really spend some time getting to know the feel of these movements. Core Rolling Patterns: The Soft Roll Rolling…
  • I hit a science blog jack pot! Research Blogging has good collection of blogers including: Chronic Health Begin to Dig
  • This is a weight lifting / power lifting blog that has a bit of a Bro tone to it but still has some great info in the first few posts I read.
  • Greater detail of the study here: Note: mice are nocturnal so the eating only at night would be the day for us...
  • I believe the article has some good points. Your not going to starve to death if you're overweight and in a calorie deficit for an extended period of time. It's my understanding that a significant decrease in calories will reduce the resting metabolic rate (RMR). It makes sense, if you're underfeed you will naturally not…