How do you prep for your first fight?

Outside of training your *kitten* off, of course!

I have my first interclub fight (Muay Thai) coming up on the 13th.

How do you mentally prep yourself?

How do you prevent yourself from overtraining? After training 6 days this week, I feel run down. I could barely lift my legs for my daily jog.

Tell me about your first fights!!


  • Method_One
    Method_One Posts: 58 Member
    I'd tapper off hard training and sparring the last week or week and a half and focus on cardio sessions, timing sparring, and strategy/visualization.

    Try to go in loose and rested with a good day of rest under your belt before your match.

    Also, have a concise game plan for your match that can be easily checked off when your under pressure. Once the adrenaline gets flowing a lot of fine details go out the window.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Here are the things that threw me on my first fight. Good luck with yours!

    - I had not been to the gym I was fighting at. It was incredibly hot with no AC. Combined with my gear, it was pretty intense. See if you can get a feel for conditions.
    - I made the mistake of cutting water weight to make my goal at the weigh in. Don't do this!

    Definitely get some rest before the fight. No heavy contact sparring for around a week, or however long it take you to recover from things like accidental kicks to your opponent's knee. I see a lot of guys listening to headphones and tuning everything out right before the fight. I haven't tried it myself, but whatever can help you get in the zone is a good idea.

    If you're comfortable with it, be the aggressor out gate. It will set the mood for the fight. Remember to kick THROUGH and not at your target. Don't hold back. Stay focused and look for openings. Listen to your corner person. Knock their f-ing head off. :)
  • vikingheart

    A week and a half to go!
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    Exciting! I don't do muay thai, but I box so maybe there are similarities in prepping for a fight?

    What helps me the most before a fight is to remember that the day or, even the week before, is not going to make that much of a difference - obviously you don't want to not work out or eat like crap - but don't kill yourself the week or two before. Everything you need to do well in your match, you learn in the weeks and months (and years depending on who you are) before you compete. No good coach is going to put you into a fight unless you are really ready, so hopefully you have confidence that your coach knows what they're doing :)

    Remember - everything you need to know, you already do, just go in there and have fun with what you've already learned!
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Outside of training your *kitten* off, of course!

    I have my first interclub fight (Muay Thai) coming up on the 13th.

    How do you mentally prep yourself?

    How do you prevent yourself from overtraining? After training 6 days this week, I feel run down. I could barely lift my legs for my daily jog.

    Tell me about your first fights!!

    hey how was your fight??