

  • You don't even look like the same person! Congrats on a job VERY WELL DONE! This is what motivates me...seeing pics of those who succeed!! Thanks!!
  • I am very much in the same boat as you are. From November 24th all the way through December 31st I knew I would be in a lot of situations that would make it hard to stick to my plan. Anniversary, my birthday, Christmas parties, baking for the holidays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Eve are all situations I…
  • Thank you for the motivation!!! I am constantly saying "I only lost this much" and my favorite is "I have a lot more to lose". Thank you for the "pep" talk. I needed it more than you could ever possibly know!!!
  • Great inspiration for me...thanks! Be proud....you look great!!!
  • Of course getting up at 4:30 in the morning is wrong I agree! BUT I know that if I don't do it first thing (by that I mean setting a clock) it won't get done for sure. Plus and this is a big plus...you will tap into your fat stores more readily than if you were to wait until later in the day to workout. I absolutely hate…
  • Okay I can hear everyone here say "yeah, right" but honestly for me it was realizing if I don't get my self up at least an hour and a half earlier in the morning then there would be no time later in the day to do it. Plus when you get up and workout before you eat you are actually burning more fat. Actually there are a lot…
  • Hey thanks a lot for the story. I really needed to hear this today. My scale only reported a 0.6 loss and I was very depressed about this this morning so yeah I really need to hear inspiring stories like this! Congrats on your changes. I bet the feeling is nothing short of fantastic!
  • Happy Birthday...the best is yet to come!!!
    in BIG 4-0 Comment by kaymac September 2010
  • Congrats...I'm new here and am very happy to read success stories like this one. I have about 45 pounds to lose so I know this is going to be a long journey. Glad I found this site. I think it will keep me going. Keep up the good work!
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