

  • Great to meet you! I've only been using the site since the beginning of this month but I really enjoy it so far! Lots of really great, supportive people! Let's all work hard together!
  • Wow. It was so great of you to share your pictures with us! Sometimes I feel like I should just give up because I'll never change the way my body looks. You gave me inspiration! You did it, and so can I! Thanks a million!
  • I agree with the above post. We deserve a small treat now and then. The lifestyle change was to keep us from eating like that every day. As long as you eat healthy the majority of the time, where's the harm in having a treat once and a while? Just get back on the wagon the next day. I'm saving my treats for Christmas time…
  • I really love Wii Fit. The program records your height and weight and you can weigh yourself before each training session. It has 3 main parts: yoga, strength training and balance training. Up till now, I haven't tried the strength training, but I'm going to start since I'm on a diet now. I really love the balance games…