Wii...To be or not to be?

Hello everyone :)

By no means do I expect to solely lose weight by using virtual reality, but it does look fun, and a bit promising. For those of you who own or have played Wii Fit and/or Wii Fit Plus; does it work for you?

Would you recommend buying it to add to an exercise regimen?

Any feedback would be great.




  • sharonuk10
    I use the wii.. EA Active Sports more workouts. Apart from walking this is my only workout I do. I have gain strength and endurance from it. I can now do some jogging when out walking AND walk faster and further. I have made my own custom workout that includes strength (resistance bands, not the greatest but it has helped and crunches), cardio (step aerobics, jogging). I have tried wii fit plus and my fitness coach I always go back to the EA Active Sports though. It is a good workout in my opinion.
  • hwaterhouse
    hwaterhouse Posts: 19 Member
    I also have the Wii. I use Wii Fit Plus. I think it's a very individual decision. I would recommend it as a fun addition to your exercise regimen. A friend who did not have much weight to lose dropped 10 kgs by using Wii Fit Plus. I have also heard good reports on Active and My Fitness Coach for a 'proper' workout.

    If you tend to like games and like the idea of mixing up your routine I'd go for it. As you already said, you don't expect to lose weight 'solely' by playing the Wii - so I think it would meet your expectations.

    It's also a fun way to be a bit more active when playing games without realising it. Games like 'Just Dance' are so much fun and a real workout when you have friends over.

    Investigate the kind of games (beyond workouts) that you may be interested in and it may be a great decision for social, entertainment AND health reasons.
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    For sure. I use it a lot.
  • jellybeanz
    I really love Wii Fit.
    The program records your height and weight and you can weigh yourself before each training session. It has 3 main parts: yoga, strength training and balance training. Up till now, I haven't tried the strength training, but I'm going to start since I'm on a diet now.
    I really love the balance games and the boxing game. I usually don't think I'm doing much exercise, but after about 20 minutes I start to work up a real sweat. It's good cardio!
    The game records how long you do activities, not how long the game is on, so it's very useful for figuring out times for your exercise diary.
    I don't think you could lose a lot of weight from doing the Wii alone, but if you mix it with other exercises, it's a great way to help burn calories. I'm doing it on my off days from pilates and weight training. It's so fun that I don't feel like I'm doing any exercise at all. Recommend it all the way!
  • EclaireP
    EclaireP Posts: 17 Member
    I love it too. It helps to have something fun to do when it is wet outside or I can't leave my daughter at home on her own.
  • jeanineadele
    Wii Fit is especially good for people who live in areas where it's not easy to exercise outside because of bad weather, bad neighborhood, no money for the gym, etc.
    Our experience was it was a fun family activity to do in the evening after dinner. The balance games are fun and good for strenthening your core. We also liked the games where you had to match their movements, we had great fun watching each other and competeing.
    The down side is it takes so much time waiting for the new screens/games. The other thing is over time it (like most things) get's to be routine and my son lost interest.
    I found it to be fun and good to have when other exercise isn't available.
  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    I have one, I love it! As far as for like a cardio workout its not real intense but using the strength training exercises and yoga could work wonders! i'm not sure about the advanced levels on there though so maybe it could be more intense.

    plus not only that its fun! especially if you play with other people, very competitive.
  • sarahbobara
    sarahbobara Posts: 10 Member
    thanks everyone!!! I am going to invest in one!