Vanessa1969 Member


  • Your situation is the perfect argument for throwing away the scale, or at least not weighing yourself every day. I was weighing myself weekly, but have changed it to once every two weeks because of my treats at Easter. If you leave longer between weighing in, it will all balance out as long as your overall habits are good.
  • Naked, dry hair, and empty bladder. I am eliminating every ounce I can! :D
  • I'm glad that you are doing well, thanks for coming on and letting everyone know that you are ok. Your post really does hit home, especially with the news that the parents who abandoned baby Angelica in the stairwell last year have been released with time served and given a $300 fine. When the courts and justice system…
  • That's pretty funny. I would love to get on and see 'Judge Judy'! :D
  • I wish I could eat a bigger breakfast, but it has always been extremely difficult for me. The thought of eating anything that early makes me feel ill, but lately I have managed to eat one piece of whole wheat bread with a bit of peanut butter and honey on it before I go to work. It isn't until I have been awake for about…
  • You are looking gorgeous! What an inspiration you are.
  • I needed to start out pretty slowly too, I have some pretty serious knee issues so many of the videos that people like here are too hard on them, and I found the WATP series were very good for me. I started out with the 2 Mile Walk, but quickly went to the 3 Mile with Abs. I made my own resistance belt with bungee cords…
  • I take a multi specifically for vegetarians.
  • This takes me back to cellular respiration in Biology. And I was convinced that I would never, ever need that information in 'real' life. Was I ever wrong. :laugh:
  • CBC's Marketplace did a great show recently on people who are advertising products to flush out your colon. It brings up a lot of debate. You can see it here:
  • You look fabulous! I didn't think that 14lbs could make such a noticeable difference. Those pictures are very inspiring for people.
  • I would expect to feel a little confused and sad. No matter how the relationship/friendship ended, my heart would go out to their family and those that loved them. I would take some time to remember times that we had together that made me happy, have some good thoughts for their loved ones, and be thankful for all I have…
  • I would split it evenly three ways between myself and both my sisters. I would set up a huge trust fund, and arrange for the interest to be spread out between different charities - forever. I would pay off a couple of friends mortgages, especially my friend Sherry who has recently purchased a farm because she runs a rescue…
  • That has SO worked for me! Instead of putting small amounts of food on a bigger plate or bowl, I find something to eat from that my amount of food will completely fill up. It is so easy to trick myself! :D Another thing that has helped me, and I can't remember where I read it, was to not fill your fork or spoon again until…
  • If there is any new skin growth in the area, the peroxide will destroy it. I have been rescuing for a long time, and my vet always prescribed saline as opposed to peroxide or rubbing alcohol. She has even given me a container of medical saline for giving subq fluids and for wounds. It has always done the trick.
  • Peroxide can be very harsh and damage the skin, I would suggest the use of a saline solution that you can make up at home with salt and filtered/boiled water. I think you could probably get away with feeding him regular dog food for a couple of days until your neighbour can take over. Cat food is not a good choice, way too…
  • I did check out the analyzers, but decided that I was going to do everything separately. I went and looked up what everything is cooked though, not raw. I am entering it here, but as a grand total, then I can split it by serving. So, if there are 10 servings, I am entering one serving as .10 of the total. I have finished…
  • That was amazing, and one way to keep yourself in shape! :laugh:
  • I am making a vegetarian Shepherd's Pie this weekend, and I want to ask advice on how people track and build meals like that? Normally I just have different components on my plate, and that is easy to measure, this is the first time doing something that is amalgamated like that. Do you weigh each item separately raw, then…
  • I started only recently as well, and found out almost instantly how supportive everyone can be. I'm shy, so I didn't want to participate either, but everyone is so super and in the same boat as everyone else. You will get the inspiration and support you will need to do it. No goal ends up being as daunting, as you first…
  • Thanks so much for that, it has so many activities on it. I like to have as many as I can, just so I can try out a couple and see how much of a difference there is. I compared what I have been given on this site for my workouts, and what they have on that one, and they are only about 2-5 calories off. Not bad.
  • Adorable. Thanks! Happy Easter to all of you.
  • That was so good to hear, thanks for coming on and giving your motivational 2 cents worth. I have read that most men feel the way you do, and it is always nice to hear it again. I remember seeing an interview with someone a long time ago, I can't even remember who it was, and he said that he liked his women looking like…
  • I feel the same way. :D When I saw that my 'normal', for a 5 foot 3.5 inch tall 40 year old, was as low as 111lbs - I was floored! I know that I might not have a very good concept of what normal is, being as overweight as I have been, I am not sure if I am convinced that it is that slim. So, I decided to aim for the higher…
  • My goal is 140lbs, which is ten pounds less than the top end of my 'normal' weight scale of 111lbs - 150lbs. Maybe people have found a similar scale and are just picking somewhere midrange in it?
  • I really like these too, and think they are a good choice for beginners. I could see where people would like the 30 Day Shred, but my knees killed me after that one, I personally don't consider that one a real beginners one.
  • I am in Marketing/Advertising and will do your survey. I'm in Canada, in case it matters.
  • I never would have stuck it out under those circumstances - good for you! The more malicious people can be, the better it makes you feel to get the last laugh in. It is sad that people have to be like that, though.
  • I have been doing the exact same thing as you have. Earlier in the day, every day, I do her 3 Mile Abs video for 45min with the resistance training, and then about half the week I will also go out for a 2 mile walk in the evening. I do the evening walk mostly for pleasure, if the weather is foul I don't go. I am finding…