

  • Me! I am no oil painting as it is, but when I smile- cringe! I hate my wedding photos 1- because my hair looks pants, 2- I am smiling so much I look like a goon.
  • I love Penne for this very reason. I have to sit comfortably to eat, and so can often just eat calories without noticing- foods like Penne help me to slow down and notice what I am eating. Chocolate is my weakness, and so I have started to break it up into small pieces, just to slow me down and appreciate what I am eating,
  • So sorry I have taken so long to reply, a mix of the Easter holidays, a crazy 4 year old, a baby we are trying to persuade not to be a night owl, a half decorated cloakroom, a wonderful paint splattered husband, a Ruby Wedding anniversary, an unhappy pouch and a whole host of other excuses:ohwell: , I haven't been able to…
  • Thank you so much, this really has helped. x
  • Robin, So sorry, totally missed your message whilst posting my epic response last night ( War and Peace has nothing on me (o;) Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate your advice, and certainly didn't find it to be preachy. There are very few salads, fruit and vegetables that I don't like- for many years I…
  • Right am back without the little shouty pointy one about to distract me. Firstly I want to thank each of you who offered me hugs, and those who encouraged me, told me to not give up, and basically were just bloody lovely. It all helps, and means so much. Right, trying now to respond to the questions and advice offered...…
  • Oh my goodness, you lovely, lovely people- thank you all so much. I honestly didn't expect replies, I am stranger who doesn't contribute to your community (would like to, but never feel I have worthwhile advice to offer, but will try harder). I was being rather cheeky posting on here, but figured you could all ignore me,…
  • Thinking of you all xxx
  • Thank you everyone, great advice. Will have a look at the menu tonight and see what's what. (Annoyingly there are hardly any vegetables I am able to eat, the same with fruit, and any high fibre foods- and excercise is limited too! ) You've been really helpful, thank you.
  • Thank you for your replies, it's not a chain- just a good old English country pub. Will try to be sensible with my choice- thank you.