tickersprint Member


  • well, it's 3 months later and I've lost 30 lbs!!! I walk almost every day. looking for some help. I am climbing hills at 15 minute mile pace. there is no choice and will shortly hit 4.5 miles per hour. I have no idea how to add the exercise and calculate the calories burned. Does anyone know how to help me? Thanks.
  • what is GTFO
  • does anyone know how to meaure calories burned doing squats? I could be interested in trying this. My goals would be lower, though. It would be a big deal if I could get to 50 or 75!
  • Hi, I started about 3 weeks ago, too. Trying to stay within 1200 to 1300 calories daily and trying to walk every day. Today was the 8th day in a row not to miss a walk. My dog thinks he died and went to heaven!