6Janelle13 Member


  • the broken heart series by Michele Bardsley. The Historian was a great book. Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer is pretty creative.
  • pace yourself. I would definitely start with week one than if you feel good consider doing one run from each of the following weeks till you are caught up.
  • I think that there are two parts to this debate. Childhood obesity and the consequences for parents. I can not fathom any MORBIDLY OBESE child getting there on his own. Even if he is sneaking food why is it in the house? Parents are not automatically arrested when social services are called. It takes months, warnings,…
  • the 400 lbs is an extreme but on our over taxed system it takes imminent threat to life to get a child removed from home. while it seems drastic that child at that age should have been no where near that weight. He or she was morbidly obese and as a child you are not doing that to yourself. someone is buying and supplying…
  • besides opening your diary... I am in a similar boat. I had a week off diet and since then the weight loss is different. (gaining or no loss) You probably have to shake up your work out and increase the cardio. also heavy sodium can cause a spike and i have yet to find anything processed that is low sodium. If you open…
  • I love both! I love Christmas but a certain amount of classiness is required while halloween can be last minute and as trashy as i want. In my neighborhood we have a ton of the hubby's co workers so for the one's off duty we keep a can of beer for each one that brings the kiddos by. multiply that by 15 family houses and…
  • when i am cooking just for me, I will do one whole egg. If i am making a larger batch i will mix whole and whites (generally because i will add the calories back with cheese anyway) eggs have a ton of great nutrients and I feel like if i am on here i can make it up later in the day
  • Hi- i am a back and further person too. Life just gets crazy for me and i am very good at putting myself on the back burner. I am about to start TTC and maybe it will be easy or not but between all that I am trying to set healthy habits for life. Have you heard of couch to 5 k? I did it last year and t let me work up in…
  • drink more water. my stomach senses thirst and hunger the same way. I also believe in cheat days though i have taken too many and fell behind. I get food cravings so often my cheat day may be something really high in calorie that i offset buy only having half of it. good luck and remember one bad day won't kill you. get…
    in Hunger Comment by 6Janelle13 August 2011
  • My husband and I are in a similar boat but recently turned a corner. I started by buying my healthy stuff and his more fattening things. we would do ground turkey tacos and i would use my low carb low cal tortillas and he would use the regular stuff he loved. I would then cut back to my protein over salad and he could do…
  • I like mine natural for now but after a few kids my opinions may change
  • My friend's mother tried and and had success, but i think much of it is from calorie restrictions and eating clean and healthy. if you are looking for sustained weight loss this isn't the way to go.
  • I am trying to ignore the affair part of your post. It is hurting you, and his family. That is not ok. You need to find the strength to free yourself so you aren't wondering what might have been. You need to take control of your eating and working out because you are hurting yourself more than anyone. You can not control…
  • I hate to admit this but that is why I am now a one brand type of girl. all my jeans are from the same maker. all my shorts are from another but they have the same maker. in my closet i have from size 4 up to size 12 (which are a little big but i can still wear) depending on brand, fabric qualities and cuts. while it is…
  • in a bind i do subway. if you want something else(i love my local sandwich place too much) just avoid all dressings/mayo etc. I love starbucks salads but i take off most of the cheese.
  • that is really funny! great job on pushing yourself and now you found some inspiration to do more :)
  • I am a 4th semester nursing student. I was supposed to graduate May 13th but was one out of 8 in a class of 18 that did not. (something fishy when half your class fails but whatever). So now I am doing what it took 16 weeks to do in only 8. I am terrified and worried that my health will fall to the wayside but i need to…
  • I can not relax at the gym. I feel like everyone is looking at me and that I am not in shape enough to be at a gym. I hate going and have been more consistent at home.
  • I totally let it slide but it is nice when i "dress up". I can slap on mascara and jeans and get a you look hot from my hubby:)
  • I am a daily and or multiple times a day person. It is a horrible habit that will be changing by force soon (the scale is not moving with me) I only count my weight once a week so i can see the changes.
  • while I am saddened to see that kids needing plus sized clothes has grown so much in the past decade, it is great there is someone trying to help them look cute. Kids have enough esteem issues with out adding more reasons for others to pick on them. Bring on the cute clothes!
  • Surgery is a personal choice, but if you have questions make an appointment to get more information. If you are thinking of getting the surgery consider if there are other avenues you haven't explored such as a nutritionist, personal trainer and so forth. You may need these two to be successful even with the lapband so…
  • honestly, be educated but find what works for you. You may get a lot of advice, but if you find what works for you that is best. my life or my own weaknesses didn't give me the option of turning down social and date nights. i choose to embrace them as work out hard days and relax at nights. now I have only lost 18 lbs in…
  • I am 5'3" or 5'4" and my goal is around 115. I have a small frame. currently i am down from 152 to 130. My focus now is cardio and some muscle weights for toning. If I never see below 130 that is fine but I want to be tone and look good. Weight is just one goal, I also have jean sizes and over all jiggle reduction.…
  • i love la tortilla factory low fat low carb for any wrap and burrito. it is great on calories too and i don't notice too much of a difference. I also love mission extra thin corn tortillas for quick anything (grilled fish tacos is a quick favorite). I buy whole wheat pita and stuff with salad and once they get hard I add…
  • if you have some string cheese and ham (or prosciutto) make wraps or even spinach and feta. either one put in center and wrap chicken around and bake till done. great flavor
  • I always eat breakfast but I make sure it is balanced with protein. If i only have oatmeal or cereal I bottom out really quick. I also plan a 9 or 10 am snack (triscuit and string cheese) before lunch so that I can keep lunch time cravings to a minimum.
  • One meal won't kill you but there are ways to be kind about not partaking in a meal. When people cook it is an expression of themselves, their up bringing and back ground. that meal was labor intensive so it would be nice to try portion control. And plan better the next time. Diets are hard on people that want to entertain…