

  • For most people the good ole 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fats are a great starting point at how to properly distribute your calories throughout the day. If you are severely limiting either one of these on a daily basis you will not see beneficial results. Spread your meals, and your calories evenly throughout the day. I…
  • If you keep a steady weight training session (taking anywhere from 30-60 second breaks in between sets) and you workout decently hard, you generally burn as many calories lifting weights as you do if you were doing cardio in your Fat Loss Range. Once you start getting your heart rate up to the 80% area for "Heart Target"…
  • Neither. There are so many Sodium free Spices that you can use besides just salt.
  • I eat about 1/4 a cup of fat free cottage cheese before i go to sleep every night. Keeps my metabolism up. I put the cottage cheese in my mouth, then some water, and swallow it all like a pill. Takes longer to digest :-D *edit* Cottage cheese is almost entirely casein protein, thats why its advantageous to eat before you…
  • My Ex-Girlfriend literally did not care about my Eating Habbits at all. She always wanted to go to CiCi pizzas, or some itallian place. Needless to say, she gained about 20 lbs. We are no longer together :-D
  • Great job. The feeling of looking in the mirror and seeing all the hard work you have done, the wise choices from what you have ate... it all feels so rewarding and exhilarating. Keep it up, Don't get complacent. Keep at it. You are capable of anything!
  • This site / App for the phone is the perfect tool that you can use to help achieve any sort of goal you have with diet / nutrition / changing your body. But first you must learn a bit about nutrition. You will find the following information most helpful when trying to lose weight: 1. You must create a calorie deficit -…