

  • I think question that you should be asking yourself is why? Why do you want this married man. Sometimes what we cant have is exciting........Id find something else that is exciting. Think of it this way. If he will cheat on his wife to be with you, he will cheat on you too.
  • have you had your thyroid checked. Craving alot of salt, you might have it checked.
  • Its helped me (when I use it) I think sometimes you dont realize how many calories you are eating till you see it. I hope you do well at your weight loss, its sure tough sometimes. good luck
    in Hello Comment by Losingfast April 2011
  • Just a thought. I used to eat like that at night too, actually hit me about 2 am. I found I wasnt eating enough protein. Trying drinking more water too. Often people feel hungry if you dont have enough water in you. NOt enough water can make you feel tired too. You could be using food as a stress relief too. Try eating…
  • sometimes its a matter of bad shoes - support. There are at some stores - I know walmart that has a machine you stand on and based on the results tells you what supports would help you. Water, potassium and Magnesium helped my foot cramps.
  • just wanted to say good luck. I have lost about 25 lbs. I dont know if it will help you, but I gain weight back so easy and fast, that I find weighing everyday really helps. Tells me I have to be very serious about what I eat or if I can afford to fudge a little.