

  • Ok I am at 168 right now, I had put on a few pounds prior to getting pregnant after stopping birth control (it messed with my body pretty bad). So far I have gained 36lbs but ideally I would like to be at around 115-120 once everything is said and done. I am not going to update my info in the system until after birth.
  • I do the fat blasting cardio tae bo workout in my living room, it doesn't require an incredible amount of room. And you can do with or without the resistance bands. I really enjoy it. The one I do is about 40 minutes I use a heart rate monitor and for my weight and height it says I burn about 430 calories. So it is pretty…
    in Tae BO Comment by murjes81 June 2009
  • I've been able to to get past mine by by increasing my calories, I,ve also changed up my exercise routine. At lest for me sometimes it feels that if I stay under th calories recomended I'm doing myself a favor, but the body starts storing food if it feels you are not giving it enough and it makes you stop losing.